January 2025 - Calendar of Events.
December 24th & 25th - OFFICE CLOSED - Christmas observance
December 29th - DECEMBER DOLLAR OFFERING – Benevolent Fund
December 31st - 2024 DONATION CREDIT – 9:30 AM – This is the last day to drop off you donation to the Office to receive credit for 2024. Anything received after that time will be credited to 2025.
January 1st - OFFICE CLOSED – New Years Day observance
January 11th - MEN’S BREAKFAST - 7:30 AM – Old Church Building
January 11th - LADIES BREAKFAST — 9 AM –Worship Center
January 12th - TEEN CHURCH – This takes place during the Service and teens will be dismissed from the Service.
January 14th - FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY – 6:30 PM – Holy Grounds Café – Join Rikki Vetter as she guides you to better financial planning. Please contact Rikki directly at 856-461-2133 with questions and to register.
January 15th - FOOD PANTRY “DRIVE UP, GRAB & GO” – 4:30-6:30 PM – This s a food bag pickup at the Old Church Building.
January 18th - PRAYER FOR LIFE—1/18 - Come together to help share love and hope to those feeling like they are in a crisis pregnancy. Meet at the Cherry Hill Women’s Center on Kings Highway.
January 20th - OFFICE CLOSED – MLK Jr Day Observance
January 26th - JANUARY DOLLAR OFFERING - Pro-Life Ministry
Events can be found on the postings around the Worship Center, Office Building and you can pick up a Monthly Bulletin in the Foyer with what’s happening at CBC.
Peanut Butter Ministry – We are ONLY collecting REGULAR SIZED jars of Peanut Butter to help out local churches to feed the homeless. The next time you are out shopping, pick-up an extra jar and place it in the brown bins located at the back of the Worship Center. PLEASE NOTE: We CANNOT accept LARGE jars of Peanut Butter! REGULAR size only!
Study/Prayer Group Listing – Pick up your copy of our current Columbus Baptist Church Study Group Listing at the Welcome Table or view online at our website.
Please remember that your offerings can be given online, drop in the offering boxes, mail and/or dropped off at the office.