Childcare is provided during our 10am Sundays Service!


"Where Every Child Experiences the Love of Jesus"

Nursery & Pre-K

The Nursery & Pre-K ministry provides childcare for ages 0-24 months, and a structured program for ages 2-5 involving a Bible Lesson, snacks, crafts, music and free play time. We take every opportunity to use ordinary moments as meaningful teaching examples for God’s Word to sink deeply into the hearts and minds of our little ones.

This ministry is very rewarding as you see young faces grow and come to understand the love of Jesus and the treasures of His Word. You will come to understand why Jesus said “Suffer the little children to come to Me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our Interim Ministry Leader Amy DeLisi in the church office at

Planning your first visit? Pre-register for the Nursery

Please fill out and print the form below and bring it with you to the nursery.